Regina’s Funeral
Saturday 23 November 11 am
Details from Harvey
OXFOGO Christmas walk and lunch
Tuesday 10th December
​Anyone passing through Oxford on the 10th are very welcome to join us! More details from Kate.
New Year Meet 2024/25
29/30/31st December can be extended to 1st
Will be based at Hafod y Gwynt. It is now decided to go for it. Same social gathering with plenty of hill walking thrown in free. It is hoped that Gorphwysfa will join in, both in the day and the evenings. It is suggested when HyG is full that a S/C cottage is hired close by – and of course Pen y Pass is available. Let Harvey know if you are interested – please phone. The Llydaw Race will happen on the 1st.
The Steve Ogden Memorial Meet
28 February to Sunday 2nd / 3rd March 2025
Glenthorne Quaker Centre & Guest House, Grasmere, https://glenthorne.org/, £100 pppn dinner, bed and breakfast. A great location. Deposits already paid Andrew, andrew.middletone@gmail.com. M: 07340 955252. Accommodation still available.
Scotland in the Spring 2025
27 April – 4 May
Scotland in the Spring 2025 now fixed! Kinlochewe Lodge, a great venue. Many thanks for Chris jumping in and sorting it. A couple of vacancies still exist so jump in quick to book them. Chris Smith in charge 07515 870 505.
Welsh 1000 Metre Peaks race
Saturday 31st May
Anyone interested in either marshalling or competing? Room available at present at HYG for the weekend, if needed. Email Harvey for details.
15 X Welsh 3000 ft peaks Meet
One week booked 20 – 27th June.
Based at Hafod y Gwynt. As a celebration of the first successful attempt, in 1975, another meet is being held. This time over 2 or 3 days, although those who wish to attempt it in 24 hours will not be turned away. The house is booked for one week. Early booking needed to bring forward the organisation – early contact Harvey initially, an info sheet will be circulated.
Oxfordshire Meet
Date to be confirmed 5th or 12th July
Normally early July, a host needed. Accommodation normally available, a walk Saturday, evening meal & /or buffet, Sunday explore Oxford.
Organiser required
Alpine Meet 2025
Mid / Late July
Will it ever happen again?????
Organiser required
September Meet
It needs to be early/mid-September
The YHA have a few Hostels in Wales that are available to sole hire. What about exploring the availability?
Organiser required
Club Dinner and AGM
11th/12th October
Plas Y Brenin is booked for the dinner and we will investigate having the AGM there. Hafod y Gwynt is available for beds and the AGM meeting if required.
Organiser required
Himalayan Meet
Will it happen again????? What about a club member pushing the boat out?
Organiser required
Winter Meet
Watch this Space!
Organiser required
New Year meet
29th/30th/31 December
Watch this Space! We must have a Llydaw Race!
Lakes Meet 2026
January or February or March?
Watch this Space!
Organiser required